Tuesday, March 12, 2013

homemade wine

When I think of homemade wine, a couple of images come to mind.  One of which is Lucy and Ethel stomping the vat of grapes.

The other image is a strange combination of the following images but the common denominators include a container of some sort and fruit.

After all that... wouldn't it be nice to enjoy a nice chilled glass of wine while soaking in the tub pictured below? :)

Source: google.com via Wendy on Pinterest

Monday, March 11, 2013

nice plastic

This is my kind of wine glass.  It is first and foremost advertised as unbreakable plastic, it is classic in design and has a sturdy looking base, and it is dishwasher safe.  BPA-free is especially nice.

I found this gem of a glass after first searching Pinterest for "unbreakable wine glass" and not liking the quality of my first selected image.  I clicked through the links and discovered that it linked to Amazon.  I searched there and found this beauty.  Yes, I much prefer the visual appeal of this image over the other.  Both images were of the same general item.
Clarus Unbreakable Plastic 12 Oz. Wine Glass (Each) by Clarus
  • Unbreakable
  • Dishwasher Safe (top rack, regular or normal cycles only, no heated dry cycle)
  • BPA-Free
permalink: http://amzn.com/B003DKHT5S

If I had an over-abundance of cabinet space or if I was just starting out with my first place OR replacing everything, I'd probably purchase several of these nifty "glasses".  I believe that a couple of these unbreakable wine glasses and a nice bottle {or box} of wine would be a much welcomed "welcome to your new home" gift.