Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Can I continue having birthday parties and receiving birthday presents even though I don't want to reveal my chronological age into infinity?

Because I really do like birthday parties.  And birthday cake.  I really really really do.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

comfy and dressy

I purchased my very first pair of pants from Lands' End's Starfish collection this past Saturday.  I'm in love.  They are as comfy as yoga pants but as dressy as the best trousers.  The sad part is I only purchased one pair in black.  I want five {or seven} pair in black and at least that many in the charcoal grey {to wear when I'm not working}.  Seriously - the most comfortable pair of pants ever!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013


My idea for this space is to be a blog for moms who are comfortable in their own skin.  A fun and relaxing space.  Being 39 is not required.  Being a mom is not a requirement either.

This space is managed by a thirty-nine-year-old female comfortable in her own skin, who would prefer to live in her yoga pants and enjoy a nice glass of wine each night.  I hope to share blogging duties in the near future with like-minded individuals.

For now, enjoy the Ryan Gosling "hey girl" memes in the sidebar - thanks to Pinterest.